Stories on Skin
Stories on Skin is a website that features the stories of individuals that have experienced natural skin issues. Through interactive storytelling, users can navigate the website through various categories driven by the participants of the questionnaire. Typography and color choices are a deviation from the cliché’s typically seen in the beauty industry. They are a direct contrast to gendered norms we see in branding and marketing throughout men's and women’s skincare.
This site aims to unite individuals based on their differences and create an understanding that natural skin is just as beautiful as what we see portrayed across social media. Stories on Skin bridges the gap between issues both men and women face when it comes to skin.

Social Assets
Instagram Campaign
The Stories on Skin Instagram campaign serves to reach a wider, more diverse audience, allowing for a greater amount of individuals to participate in the project. The photos used are snippets taken from the website to visually engage the audience and inspire them to take part in the project.